The Shows

Ben Russell

After years of struggling with addiction Ben uses his new found sobriety as a jump off point to explore his past, his clear-headed present and ask “what’s next?”

What got him to this point and how do we move on after we’ve taken the first big steps?

An award winning comedian known as one of Australia's best character performers, Ben Russell is presenting his first hour of stripped back and revealing stand up. A hilarious, raw and honest account of how Ben navigated the most transformative year of his life.

After years of not being sober, now all Ben has is himself, a microphone and a fresh new hour of raw, hilarious comedy about hope, addiction and love. Back after his 2022 sold old national tour, this is his most raw and honest show ever done.

Co-written and directed by creative and life partner Maggie Looke

“An electric and surreal tour de force. ★★★★☆”– Sydney Morning Herald

“One of our most brilliant comedy talents. ★★★★.”– The Herald Sun

“This is comedy.”–

"Unlike anything even the most seasoned festival-goer will have seen before. ★★★★½" – The Age

**Trigger Warning: Themes of mental health, substance abuse and suicide**

  • Date icon Date Sat. 23 March, 2024
  • Time icon Time 8:30 PM
  • Venue icon Venue Basement
  • Tickets icon Tickets $30

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